WordPress on Kubernetes

The Definitive Guide to WordPress on k8s

Using Deployments and ConfigMaps

So far we’ve been working with Kubernetes Pods directly, which has some limitations. For example, it’s not possible to change an environment variable for any of the containers in an existing pod, you’ll have to delete it and create a new one. If your Pod crashes, there’s nothing to tell Kubernetes to start a new one. To help with these, and many other challenges, Kubernetes has several abstractions over Pods.

Note: all code samples from this section are available on GitHub.

A Deployment in Kubernetes allows you to provide a template specification for a Pod you’d like to be running in your cluster. The deployment specification can optionally include the number of replicas and other options, which we’ll talk a lot more about when we look at scaling.

Adding Nginx

To demonstrate the use of Deployments and to decouple our HTTP and PHP services for WordPress, we’ll be adding the Nginx web server to our cluster. We’ll also use the php-fpm version of our WordPress container image. We’ll adjust our service accordingly, so that our HTTP traffic will flow to Nginx, and when PHP is needed, it will be proxied to a WordPress container over FastCGI.

Our persistent volumes and claims will remain intact, so the storage-class.yml, volumes.yml and volume-claims.yml manifests can be re-used from the previous section. Let’s provision the necessary volumes on our k1 node:

$ ssh k1
$ sudo mkdir -p /data/volumes/wordpress/www-data
$ sudo mkdir -p /data/volumes/wordpress/mariadb

And create our StorageClass, PersistentVolume and PersistentVolumeClaim components:

$ kubectl apply -f storage-class.yml -f volumes.yml -f volume-claims.yml
storageclass.storage.k8s.io/local-storage created
persistentvolume/www-data created
persistentvolume/mariadb created
persistentvolumeclaim/www-data created
persistentvolumeclaim/mariadb created

Now let’s create a new nginx.deployment.yml file for our new Deployment:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: nginx
      app: nginx
        app: nginx
      - name: nginx
        image: nginx:1.27
        - containerPort: 80
        - name: www-data
          mountPath: /var/www/html
          readOnly: true
      - name: www-data
          claimName: www-data

Quite a few things to cover here. Note that the outer spec and metadata attributes are the specification and metadata of our Deployment object, while the inner spec and metadata are for the Pods that our Deployment is going to manage.

The selector attribute tells Kubernetes that this Deployment will manage all pods which have a label with the key app and the value nginx. The template then defines how this deployment is going to create our pods: label them with app=nginx, and assign that specific containers and volumes attributes. These are very much like our previous examples, except we’re using the nginx:1.27 container image here. We’re also mounting the volume as readOnly since Nginx will have no reason to write to our www-data volume.

We’ll come back to this deployment in a bit (we’ll need to tell it how to reach our PHP container), but you can deploy it for now and make sure it works:

$ kubectl apply -f nginx.deployment.yml 
deployment.apps/nginx created

It may take some time to download and run the Nginx container image. You can then inspect that the deployment is up and running, along with the pod specification we’ve given it:

$ kubectl get deploy -o wide
nginx   1/1     1            1           22s   nginx        nginx:1.27   app=nginx

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
nginx-5d9cdc46dd-wh9kr   1/1     Running   0          84s

So how exactly is this different from running a Pod directly? Well, let’s try and delete that running pod:

$ kubectl delete nginx-5d9cdc46dd-wh9kr
pod "nginx-5d9cdc46dd-wh9kr" deleted

$ kubectl get pods                         
NAME                     READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
nginx-5d9cdc46dd-br89l   0/1     ContainerCreating   0          0s

Once the Deployment realizes its pod is gone, it will automatically schedule a new one, so we no longer have to worry about that. We can also make changes to the Deployment manifest, and once applied, the Deployment controller will take care of replacing all our existing pods with the updated specifications. For example, let’s change the nginx container version to 1.26 and re-apply our deployment:

$ kubectl apply -f nginx.deployment.yml
deployment.apps/nginx configured

$ kubectl get pods 
NAME                     READY   STATUS        RESTARTS   AGE
nginx-5d9cdc46dd-dzql7   1/1     Running       0          3s
nginx-7497c66c4c-6bw6x   1/1     Terminating   0          29s

You can see here that the Deployment created a new Pod for us and is terminating the old one. Let’s add some replicas by adding a replicas attribute to our manifest:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: nginx
  replicas: 3
# ...

Apply the updated manifest and inspect the pods:

$ kubectl apply -f nginx.deployment.yml
deployment.apps/nginx configured

$ kubectl get pods                     
NAME                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
nginx-5d9cdc46dd-4trnw   0/1     Pending   0          1s
nginx-5d9cdc46dd-8b2tb   0/1     Pending   0          1s
nginx-5d9cdc46dd-dzql7   1/1     Running   0          2m38s

You’ll see that the Deployment instantly brought up two additional Pods. If we look at the -o wide version we’ll see that all the Nginx pods have been scheduled on the same Kubernetes node. Can you guess why?

$ kubectl get pods -o wide
nginx-5d9cdc46dd-4trnw   1/1     Running   0          13s   k1     <none>           <none>
nginx-5d9cdc46dd-8b2tb   1/1     Running   0          13s   k1     <none>           <none>
nginx-5d9cdc46dd-dzql7   1/1     Running   0          2m50s   k1     <none>           <none>

Typically Kubernetes will try and schedule Pods on different nodes for high availability, but since our Pod is tied to a specific PersistentVolume available only on k1, the scheduler doesn’t really have much options. This is not ideal of course, and we’ll look at some solutions to this problem in future sections.

Nginx Service

Now that we’ve added some Nginx Pods to our cluster, we’ll need a way to reach them from outside of our cluster. We’ve already done this in the past for our Apache-based container, this is not going to be much different. Let’s create an nginx.service.yml file:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: nginx
  type: NodePort
  - port: 80
    nodePort: 30007
    app: nginx

We’re creating a service with a NodePort 30007 linked to port 80 of our Nginx pods. Since we now have multiple such pods running, this service will also automatically provide some load balancing for us. Let’s deploy this service to our Kubernetes cluster:

$ kubectl apply -f nginx.service.yml 
service/nginx created

Open up your browser to any one of your Kubernetes nodes on port 30007 and you should be able to see the “Welcome to nginx” message. We’ll return back to this deployment to instruct it how to speak to our PHP service.

A WordPress StatefulSet

A StatefulSet in Kubernetes is also an abstraction over Pods and is very similar to a Deployment. However, it is more aware that it is managing a stateful application, providing sticky identities, predictable naming and more. Since our WordPress application in its current state is very much a stateful application (state being stored in our local volume), the StatefulSet component is a great option to deploy and manage our WordPress container.

Let’s create a wordpress.statefulset.yml manifest file:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
  name: wordpress
      app: wordpress
        app: wordpress
      - name: wordpress
        image: wordpress:6.5-fpm
        - containerPort: 9000
        - name: www-data
          mountPath: /var/www/html
      - name: www-data
          claimName: www-data

Very similar to the Nginx deployment above. Three key differences here (in addition to the naming) are the container image, the containerPort (9000 is the php-fpm FastCGI port number) and note that we’re no longer using a readOnly attribute with our volume, since WordPress will need the ability to write to our www-data volume.

Let’s apply this manifest and make sure our WordPress pod is created successfully:

$ kubectl apply -f wordpress.statefulset.yml 
statefulset.apps/wordpress created

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                     READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
nginx-5d9cdc46dd-4trnw   1/1     Running             0          18m
nginx-5d9cdc46dd-8b2tb   1/1     Running             0          18m
nginx-5d9cdc46dd-dzql7   1/1     Running             0          20m
wordpress-0              0/1     ContainerCreating   0          4s

Note that this -fpm version of the WordPress container does not contain a web server, and hence no longer speaks HTTP. The only language it speaks is FastCGI over port 9000. This means that we’ll have to instruct our Nginx pod to serve static files from its mounted volume, but to proxy any PHP requests to our WordPress service over the FastCGI port.

To do that we’ll need a Kubernetes Service for our FastCGI service, so let’s create a wordpress.service.yml file:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: wordpress
  type: NodePort
  - port: 9000
    app: wordpress

The biggest difference between this and services we’ve created before in our cluster is the lack of a type: NodePort. This is because we only need this FastCGI service to be accessible within the Kubernetes cluster and never externally. By not defining a service type, we’re using the default service type, which is ClusterIP. This service provides a static IP address, reachable from within the cluster, which forwards to one or more endpoints behind the service, thus also providing load balancing.

Let’s create this service in our Kubernetes cluster:

$ kubectl apply -f wordpress.service.yml
service/wordpress created

$ kubectl get services                  
NAME         TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)        AGE
kubernetes   ClusterIP     <none>        443/TCP        7d12h
nginx        NodePort    <none>        80:30007/TCP   25m
wordpress    ClusterIP   <none>        9000/TCP       66s

If you inspect the services you’ll see our new wordpress service along with its cluster IP. Note that NodePort services also have a usable static cluster IP, in addition to the port exposed on all nodes.

We don’t really have to memorize this IP address in order to use it, since Kubernetes will automatically provide convenient names that resolve to these IP addresses within the cluster. We can verify that from a running Nginx container, by installing the dnsutils package and trying to resolve the wordpress name:

$ kubectl exec -it nginx-5d9cdc46dd-4trnw -- bash
$ apt update && apt install dnsutils
$ host wordpress
wordpress.default.svc.cluster.local has address

Let’s now configure our Nginx containers to speak to our shiny new PHP service.

Configuring Nginx

You’ll find that a lot of configuration in Kubernetes is done through ConfigMaps, and this is a great opportunity to use one for our Nginx pods. ConfigMaps are just a key-value store, which allows us to store some arbitrary data, and make it available to pods and containers in our cluster.

Let’s create a nginx.configmap.yml file for our Nginx configuration:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: nginx.conf.d
  wordpress.conf: |
    server {
      listen 80 default_server;
      server_name _;
      root /var/www/html;
      index index.php index.html;

      location / {
        try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;

      location ~ \.php$ {
        include fastcgi_params;
        fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
        fastcgi_pass wordpress:9000;

Our ConfigMap is called nginx.conf.d which we’ll then address in our Deployment, the data section contains our key-value pairs, with wordpress.conf being the only key. As you’ll see later, we’ll mount this ConfigMap into the /etc/nginx/conf.d directory where wordpress.conf will result in a file inside that directory that Nginx will read when starting.

We won’t go into too much detail of the contents of the configuration file. It’s a server block that listens on port 80 and is set as the default_server with a bogus server_name, which causes Nginx to use this block as a fallback for pretty much any request that doesn’t have a better server name match. This allows us to reach this block by IP or any mapped hostname, without additional configuration.

We set the root to /var/www/html, this is where we mount our PersistentVolume which contains all the WordPress files. We try to serve a file if it exists physically on disk with try_files, and fall back to index.php (this allows for pretty permalinks in WordPress). Finally, we add a location block for all PHP files, and pass them to our FastCGI service using fastcgi_pass. Note the address of the target FastCGI server is set to wordpress:9000 and Nginx will successfully resolve that to our ClusterIP.

After creating this configuration map, we’ll need to make some changes to our Nginx deployment to make use of it, so let’s revisit our nginx.deployment.yml file. First make sure the volumes section contains our ConfigMap:

      - name: www-data
          claimName: www-data
      - name: nginx-configs
          name: nginx.conf.d

Then make sure it’s added to our volumeMounts:

        - name: www-data
          mountPath: /var/www/html
          readOnly: true
        - name: nginx-configs
          mountPath: /etc/nginx/conf.d
          readOnly: true

This mount can also be readOnly as Nginx does not have any reason to update or create new configuration files. ConfigMaps and Secrets are always mounted read-only in recent versions of Kubernetes. After we’re done with these updates, let’s apply our Nginx ConfigMap and Deployment manifests:

$ kubectl apply -f nginx.configmap.yml -f nginx.deployment.yml 
configmap/nginx.conf.d created
deployment.apps/nginx configured

If we now browse to one of our cluster nodes on port 30007, we’ll no longer see the Nginx welcome message. Instead we’ll see our WordPress install, which will likely prompt for our database credentials. Let’s address that next.

Running a Database

A relational database is almost always a StatefulSet application. The specification will be very similar to our previously deployed MariaDB container, however now that we have some experience with ConfigMaps, let’s move those environment variables into a new ConfigMap named mariadb.configmap.yml:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: mariadb
  database: wordpress
  username: wordpress
  password: secret

This should not require any explanation, and don’t worry, we’ll look at storing the password in a proper Kubernetes Secret in later sections. Now, let’s create our mariadb.statefulset.yml manifest for our MariaDB container:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
  name: mariadb
      app: mariadb
        app: mariadb
      - name: mariadb
        image: mariadb:10.11
        - containerPort: 3306
        - name: mariadb
          mountPath: /var/lib/mysql
        - name: MARIADB_DATABASE
              name: mariadb
              key: database
        - name: MARIADB_USER
              name: mariadb
              key: username
        - name: MARIADB_PASSWORD
              name: mariadb
              key: password
          value: "true"
      - name: mariadb
          claimName: mariadb

Most of this should be very familiar by now. We’re creating a new StatefulSet which will be managing our mariadb pods. We’re specifying the 3306 containerPort, adding our mariadb persistent volume claim to the /var/lib/mysql mount-point. Notice how we’ve replaced value with valueFrom blocks in the env section. This instructs Kubernetes to read the values from the ConfigMap that we defined earlier.

Let’s now add our MariaDB ConfigMap and StatefulSet to the Kubernetes cluster:

$ kubectl apply -f mariadb.configmap.yml -f mariadb.statefulset.yml 
configmap/mariadb created
statefulset.apps/mariadb created

You should now be able to see the MariaDB pod running in the cluster:

$ kubectl get pods                                                 
NAME                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
mariadb-0               1/1     Running   0          10s
nginx-bb84f6f76-jsw24   1/1     Running   0          31m
nginx-bb84f6f76-nltrp   1/1     Running   0          31m
nginx-bb84f6f76-phzth   1/1     Running   0          31m
wordpress-0             1/1     Running   0          68m

Similar to how we made our PHP service available to Nginx, we’ll need to make our MariaDB service available to PHP, with a mariadb.service.yml manifest file:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: mariadb
  - port: 3306
    app: mariadb

Similar to our PHP service, this is another ClusterIP service that’s going to be available internally, under the name mariadb and port 3306. Let’s deploy this manifest to our Kubernetes cluster:

$ kubectl apply -f mariadb.service.yml 
service/mariadb created

$ kubectl get services
NAME         TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)        AGE
kubernetes   ClusterIP     <none>        443/TCP        7d13h
mariadb      ClusterIP    <none>        3306/TCP       11s
nginx        NodePort    <none>        80:30007/TCP   84m
wordpress    ClusterIP   <none>        9000/TCP       59m

We’re getting close now. Let’s tell WordPress about our new MariaDB database endpoint and credentials.

Connect WordPress to MariaDB

You probably already have a pretty good idea of what needs to happen next. We’ll update our wordpress.statefulset.yml file to include our database address and credentials from our ConfigMap:

      - name: wordpress
        image: wordpress:6.5-fpm
		# ...
          - name: WORDPRESS_DB_HOST
            value: mariadb
          - name: WORDPRESS_DB_USER
                name: mariadb
                key: username
          - name: WORDPRESS_DB_NAME
                name: mariadb
                key: database
          - name: WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD
                name: mariadb
                key: password

Note that the WORDPRESS_DB_HOST is no longer set to as we are no longer running MariaDB in the same Pod as the WordPress application. We now need to use the service name mariadb which will resolve to the ClusterIP address of the MariaDB service.

Save the updated StatefulSet to the Kubernetes cluster:

$ kubectl apply -f wordpress.statefulset.yml
statefulset.apps/wordpress configured

Now navigate your browser to a node endpoint on port 30007 (http://k0:30007 in our example), and run through the WordPress installation process, which will no longer ask for database credentials as we’ve defined them via environment variables.

Recap & Cleanup

Phew! We’ve covered a lot here! We’ve successfully decoupled our single-pod WordPress application into three different and individual components: our web service Deployment running Nginx, our database service running MariaDB in a StatefulSet, and our WordPress StatefulSet application running php-fpm.

We’ve discovered a way to store values and even entire configuration files, and share them with our Pods through the use of ConfigMaps. We took a closer look at NodePort services vs. ClusterIP services. We even scaled our Nginx deployment to three pods!

Once you’re done playing around with your WordPress application, you can remove it from the cluster using kubectl -f manifest.yml for each manifest file. Alternatively you can do it for all manifest files in your current directory in one go:

$ kubectl delete -f .
configmap "mariadb" deleted
service "mariadb" deleted
statefulset.apps "mariadb" deleted
configmap "nginx.conf.d" deleted
deployment.apps "nginx" deleted
service "nginx" deleted
storageclass.storage.k8s.io "local-storage" deleted
persistentvolumeclaim "www-data" deleted
persistentvolumeclaim "mariadb" deleted
persistentvolume "www-data" deleted
persistentvolume "mariadb" deleted
service "wordpress" deleted
statefulset.apps "wordpress" deleted

If you’d like to nuke the persistent volumes data too, you’ll need to do so via SSH directly on the node where they were provisioned:

$ ssh k1
$ cd /data/volumes
$ sudo rm -rf www-data mariadb

See you in the next section!