WordPress on Kubernetes

The Definitive Guide to WordPress on k8s

Hello there!

Welcome to the WordPress on Kubernetes zero-to-hero tutorial. With this set of easy to follow lessons you will learn everything you need to know to deploy and manage WordPress applications in a Kubernetes cluster. From the very basics of creating your first Kubernetes cluster, to the very advanced topics, such as auto-scaling, application performance testing, logging and monitoring at scale. All source code and configs are available on GitHub.

This guide is brought to you by Koddrio: we’ve built WordPress hosting platforms and consulted well known brands in the hosting space, such as WP Engine, Mirantis, DigitalOcean, SiteGround, Cloudways and others. We’ve worked with some of the largest WordPress installs in the world, including Kubernetes-based platforms of course!

Note: This site is a work in progress, so check back soon or subscribe for updates!

Getting Started

Get ready to bootstrap your first Kubernetes cluster.

Scaling the Database

Primaries and replicas, replication, failover and getting WordPress to talk to a cluster.

The following sections are for premium members only. Memberships start from $95/year and unlock access to all existing and future content on kubeadm.org, including all reference architectures.


Object caching and page caching in horiziontally scalable WordPress architectures.


Getting from the Internet into the Kubernetes cluster.

Deploying WordPress

Creating a proper CI/CD pipeline for WordPress in a Kubernetes cluster.